Reader Spotlight – Archer

Archer Astrology

Archer discovered at a very young age that he had a gift for communicating with spirits. He had visitations since he was 5 years old, and as a third-generation psychic medium, he trained under the guidance of his mother and grandmother. As he grew, he discovered he was empathic to those around him, often picking up on their energies, especially in times of trial. He learned to listen to what the energies and spirit guides were trying to convey to him.

Currently, Archer is the primary energy behind the Archer Astrology Tarot YouTube channel and airs his readings daily on Instagram and TikTok. He is followed by nearly 44,000 individuals who seek his healing abilities and his ability to channel many spirits. He is a Light Worker and Empath specializing in love, career and finance, dream interpretation, communication with passed loved ones and animals, as well as spiritual guidance and past lives. His primary message is one of peace, love, and the preservation of human life, which he shares daily with the many individuals who seek his counsel through his YouTube channel.